class wgpu.GPU

Bases: object

The entrypoint to the wgpu API.

The starting point of your wgpu-adventure is always to obtain an adapter. This is the equivalent to browser’s navigator.gpu. When a backend is loaded, the wgpu.gpu object is replaced with a backend-specific implementation.


Get a list of adapter objects available on the current system.

An adapter can then be selected (e.g. using it’s summary), and a device then created from it.

Note that the same device may be present with different backends (e.g. vulkan/d3d12/opengl).

async enumerate_adapters_async()

Async version of enumerate_adapters.


Not implemented in wgpu-py; use GPUCanvasContext.get_preferred_format() instead. The WebGPU spec defines this function, but in wgpu there are different kinds of canvases which may each prefer/support a different format.


Create a GPUAdapter, the object that represents an abstract wgpu implementation, from which one can request a GPUDevice.

  • power_preference (PowerPreference) – “high-performance” or “low-power”.

  • force_fallback_adapter (bool) – whether to use a (probably CPU-based) fallback adapter.

  • canvas (WgpuCanvasInterface) – The canvas that the adapter should be able to render to. This can typically be left to None.

async request_adapter_async(**parameters)

Async version of request_adapter().

property wgsl_language_features

A set of strings representing the WGSL language extensions supported by all adapters. Returns an empty set for now.